The paper investigated factors influencing beneficiary participation in Fadama II project in Niger State. Three LGAs out of eleven LGAs that benefited in Fadama II project were randomly selected for the study. To this end, one Fadama Community Association (FCA) and five Fadama User Groups (FUGs) were randomly selected from each LGA that benefited. Five beneficiaries were also randomly sampled from each FUG. Seventy five (75) beneficiaries were randomly sampled for the study. Descriptive statistics and logit regression model were used to analyze the data collected. However, large proportion of the beneficiaries participated in problem identification (69.3%) and project implementation (80%) in the stages of project development. Women participation in Fadama II project was identified to be low (28.0%). Meanwhile, educational level and membership of cooperative society significantly influenced participation (P < 0.01). Household size was a positive factor that significantly influenced participation (P < 0.05) in Fadama II project in the study area.
Keywords: Fadama II Project, Beneficiary, Participation, Fadama Community Association, Fadama User Group
Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science (2011), 19 (2): 248-252