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Physicochemical Properties of the Soils of Wassaniya Forest Reserve Tangaza Local Government, Sokoto State
undisturbed soil samples were collected for bulk density determination using a core sampler. The soils at the four locations varied in texture from sandy loam (SL) at Yartagimba, clay loam (CL) at Wassaniya and Daiji to clay (C) at Jimajimi. The results indicated that the soils at Jimajimi had the highest moisture contents (9%) though not statistically significant. The highest pH value (6.94) was obtained in the soils of Jimajimi which are slightly alkaline compared with the soils of Yartagimba (5.47) as well as those at Wassaniya and Daiji with pH values of 4.23 which connotes acidic reaction. Yartagimba had the highest
Bulk density (1.32Mg/m3), organic carbon (1.64g/kg) exchangeable potassium (0.88cmol./kg) as well as highest nitrogen (0.49g/kg) hence the soils are more fertile.