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Contribution of Food Crops to Household Food Security Among Crop Farmers in Patigi Local Government Area, Kwara State, Nigeria
sampling was used to collect the data. The sample size were drawn from the three districts in the area, five villages from each districts and eight farmers from each village which makes a total of 120 farmers. Primary data were obtained with the use of questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using
frequency and percentages. The results revealed that rice, sorghum, maize, groundnut, melon, millet, yam, cassava, beans and sweet-potatoes are the major crops grown in the area. Farmers consume more of rice (74.2%), sorghum (85%), cassava (72.5%), maize (27.5%), yam (20.8%), beans (10.8%) and sweet-potatoes (4.2%). They earn more revenue from rice (87%), sorghum (35%), melon (14.2%), yam (10.8%), maize (7.5%), groundnut (7.5%), cassava (5%) and millet (0.8). The study also showed that farmers in the study area are relatively food secure. Inputs such as fertilizer, processing and storage facilities, improved seedlings, tractor, access to credit loan etc. should be made available to encourage farmers to improve household food security and raise their living standard. In addition, efforts should be made by research institutes to generate improved technologies on farming.