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Assessment of Nutrient Composition of Fore-Stomach Digesta (FSD) Ensiled With Groundnut Haulms
slaughtered camels and cattle at Sokoto central abattoir and then ensiled with Groundnut haulms. The mixture was analyzed for proximate and mineral compositions after 3, 6 and 9 weeks of ensiling. Results showed that Moisture, crude fibre (CF), nitrogen free extracts (NFE) and ether extracts (EE) components increased with increase in ensiling period (P< 0.05) while crude Protein (CP) decreased with increase in
ensiling period. Calcium, potassium and phosphorus composition of the ensiled components also increased with increase in period of ensiling while sodium and magnesium did not (P< 0.05). It could be concluded that increasing ensiling period beyond three weeks could decrease CP contents but could increase CF,
NFE, Ca, P and K contents of the ensiled materials. Further studies should be carried out with other forage species to enhance the nutritive value of fore stomach digesta for its potential use as animal feed.