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The Use of Hotelling T2 Statistic for Tracking the Normalcy of Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure
This paper has introduced a direct statistical inference technique for checking the normalcy of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) as a simplified technique for cardio-vascular prevalence survey. The use of multivariate test of hypothesis was particularly used to track the normalcy of both the SBP and DBP so as to isolate cases of hypertension and hypotension. Multivariate test of hypothesis was to monitor the SBP and DBP. Samples of SBP and DBP from 12 diabetic patients were collected using systematic sampling. The Hotelling 2 T statistic was computed for each patient and appropriate conclusions were drawn. From the analysis, ten of the twelve diabetic have some level of abnormality in their blood pressure.