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Effect of date of planting on the performance of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in Yola Adamawa state
The field experiments were conducted during the 1999 and 2000 cropping seasons at Mbamba area of Yola,
Adamawa State to study the effect of time of planting of groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and replicated six times. The planting dates used were early June, late June, early July and late July (10 June, 24th June, 8th July and 22nd July), respectively. Parameters measured include growth traits, phoenological traits and final grain yield. The data collected were subjected to analysis of variance appropriate for RCBN using Genstat for windows (Genstat release 3.2 1995). Mean separation was done using Least Significant Difference (LSD). Results obtained showed that the tallest plants were produced from the early and late June planting giving the highest value of 42.5cm in 1999 and 40.5cm in 2000. Similarly, the planting dates of early and late June gave the earliest floweri ng, and higher values for numbers of pods per plant in both seasons (43.9 days and 44.2 pods per plant in 1999 and 2000 respectively). These treatments also performed better in other parameters, e.g. grain yield, shelling percentage, JOO-grain weight and harvest index. It is therefore concluded that, planting groundnut by late June could give earlier flowering and higher pod and grains yield than all the other planting dates investigated in Yola. And, it is advisable to allow the rains to be well established before planting. Delay planting to the month of July may result in lower total grain yield, resulting from lower number of pods per plant and shorter growing period.
KEY WORDS: Date of Planting, Performance, Groundnut, haulm, yield, grain yield.