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Soybeans yoghurt production using starter culture from 'nono'
Yoghurt was prepared from soy-milk equivalent. Soybeans used for milk production were selected, dehulled, blended then mixed with water in ratio l :6 respectively and filtered with a muslim cloth to obtain milk. On kilogram (lkg) of soybeans used produced soy-milk equivalent of six litres (6L) in moderate dilution. Two genera of bacteria Lactobacillus and Streptococcus were isolated from 'nono' (naturally fermented cow-milk) using the pour plate technique. The soy-milk equivalent obtained was fermented to yoghurt at 40°C for 14.5 hours using Lactobacillus and S1replococrus bacteria as a sta rter culture in a combination ratio of 1 :2. The isolate gave a fine yoghurt like product with a characteristic acid flavour, cream odour and muustard- like consistency with a pH 4.36.
Keywords: Soy-beans, Yoghurt and Starter culture.