Yersiniosis has been reported globally due to contamination of milk and other related products. ‘Nono’ is the Fulani word for the locally fermented milk product (from cow) produced by Fulani cattle rearers and popularly consumed in Northern Nigeria. This study was aimed at investigating locally fermented cow milk (nono) on sale to the public in Jos metropolis for the presence of pathogenic Yersinia species. A total of 300 milk (nono) samples were collected and examined using the cold enrichment technique and Yersinia selective culture media. Confirmatory biochemical tests were carried out using the API 20E strip test. Three (3) samples of Yersinia species were isolated indicating a 1% occurrence rate. Only Yersinia enterocolitica was implicated in this study. Serotyping revealed that all strains were of serotype 0:9 which is one of the two most common serotypes representing the most virulent worldwide causes of yersiniosis. The results of this study indicate a low occurrence rate of pathogenic Yersinia species in locally fermented cow milk (nono) hawked in Jos. In a developing country like Nigeria where hygiene standards are to an average extent unchecked, and animal disease not properly controlled, milk still remains a vehicle for a variety of human disease.
Keywords: Yersinia enterocolitica, nono, Jos.
Nig J. Biotech. Vol. 23 (2011) 45 - 52