The efficacies of some of the commercially used Newcastle disease vaccines in Jos were determined in fifty (50) exotic white leghorn birds with hemagglutionation inhibition (HI) and Egg infective dose 50% (EID50) tests. By culturing in bacteriological media the vaccines were sterile. Vaccinated birds were safe with no clinical infections; NVRI Lasota and komarov vaccines had post vaccination antibody titre of 512 HI units and 256 HI unit and booster antibody of 2048 HI unit and 1280 HI unit respectively. Post vaccination antibody in ABIC lasota was 192 HI unit, BIOVAC was 128 HI while the booster was 1024 in both ABIC and BIOVAC. NVRI vaccines gave better immune antibody production than ABIC and BIOVAC. Over 80% of the birds survived post vaccination challenge with 105 log10 LD50 Hertz33 challenge ND strain. Although the vaccines protected the birds at different levels, it is advisable to use vaccines with indigenous ND strain for better protection. Other information are discussed.
Keywords: Vaccine, Newcastle disease, Antibody, birds, efficacies
Nig J. Biotech. Vol. 24 (2012) 48-53