This study investigated the effect of ash from wood (WA), rice husk (RHA) and coconut (CA) on soil liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), sodium absorption ratio (SAR), exchangeable sodium percent (ESP), exchangeable potassium percent (EPP) and contents of Cu, Fe, Bo and Pb in an Ultisol in Southeastern Nigeria. The experiment was laid out as completely randomized block design with four treatments and five replications. The treatments were applied at the rate of 4t ha-1 and maize used as a test crop. Results of the study showed significant increase (p=0.05) in LL,PL, EPP and ESP. Observed LL values were 6%,12% and 11% higher in CA, RHA and WA amended plots, respectively, relative to the control. Results of the study also showed decreased soil contents of Bo and Cu and increased Pb content to non-toxic level. Results also showed significantly (p=0.05) higher maize height and yield in ash amended plots relative to the control. Ash application is recommended since it improves soil properties and increase maize yield.
Keywords: Ash, rheological properties, heavy metal, maize yield
Nig J. Biotech. Vol. 25 (2013) 53 -59