O.O. Balogun
Department of Animal Production, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
A.A. Adeniji
Department of Animal Production, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
J.T. Azua
Department of Animal Production, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Thirty-six mixed rabbits were utilized to determine the protein and energy value s of maize milling waste (MZMW) and millet waste (MLMW). Parts of these wastes were autoclaved (AMZMW and AMLMW) and also fed to test rabbits. There was a significant higher (P<0.05) feed intake by rabbits on the MLMW and AMLMW than on the MZMW and the AMZMW. The AMLMW gave the best net protein utilization of 44.21% which was comparable (P<0.05) with 34.79% obtained for the MLMW but significantly different (P<0.05) to 26.03 and 25.67% obtained respectively from AMZMW and MZMW. The biological values obtained are 41.48,53.00, 39.25, and 61.61% for MZMW, MLMW, AMZMW and AMLMW respectively. The autoclaved ingredients gave higher metabolizable energy of 15287.25 and 14832.00KJ for AMZMW and AMLMW respectively against 14620.75 and 13664.38KJ for MZMW and MLMW respectively.
Keywords: Rabbits, maize milling waste, millet milling waste, autoclaving; livestock feed.