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Wafer as dry season supplement formulated with different sources of binders and levels of inclusion in the semi-arid region for livestock
A study was conducted in the semi arid Kano; to investigate the effect of livestock feed binders and levels of inclusion on proximate and fiber composition of the resultant livestock wafers. Levels of inclusion revealed there were significant differences (P< 0.05) amongst variables examined with the exception of DM. Inclusion of 28% levels of binders resulted in wafers with higher amount of OM, CP, EE and NDF. Type of binders used in wafers prepared revealed significantly (P<0.05) influence the variables evaluated (Ash, DM, OM, CP, CF, EE, NFE, NDF and ADF). Cement significantly affected (P<0.05) the concentrate of ash (10.46a). Similarly, Gum Arabic influenced significantly (P<0.05), the values of CP (20.19a) in the wafer formulated while starch influenced significantly (P< 0.05) OM, (85.18a) CF (34.69a), EE (2.77a), NDF (35.62a) and ADF (55.29a). The 28% levels of wafers seem adequate since it was easy to handle and break by small ruminants, upon ingestion. The results from the current study show that 28% level of binder increase the components of proximate composition, handling properly due to hardiness for ease of transportation and storage while the starch as binder produced wafer of better nutritive value relative to Gum Arabic or cement. It is therefore recommended that concentrate supplements as wafer for livestock can be produced using 28% level of starch inclusion.
Keyword: Wafers, Dry season, binders, proximate composition, Semi arid region.