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Kaempferol improved growth performance in broiler chickens challenged with Eimeria tenella

Y. Muhammad
I.D. Jatau
A.M. Umar
M.A. Chiroma


The study investigated the effects of kaempferol on growth performance in two weeks old broilers challenged with Eimeria tenella. Sixty, one-day  old broiler chicks were randomly allotted into six groups (I-VI) of ten broiler chicks each and brooded for two weeks with commercial broiler feed (vital feed®) and provided water ad libitum. At two weeks of age, broilers in group 1 were neither infected nor treated. Broilers in groups II- VI were  infected with Eimeria tenella sporulated oocyst (104/mL) via oral inoculation. After infection was established, broilers in groups II-IV were treated Per  os with 1 mg/kg, 1.5 mg/kg and 2 mg/kg of kaempferol respectively. Broilers in group V were treated for five days with amprolium, 1.25 g/L in drinking water and those in group VI were administered normal saline, 5 mL/kg per os for five days. The experimental birds were examined daily for feed intake (FI), weight gain (WG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Data obtained were analyzed using pad prism version 5.0. There was a statistically significant (p<00.5) increase in the mean values of WG, FI and FCR in groups II, III and IV in a dose dependent fashion when compared to  VI. There was also statistically significant (p<00.5) reduction in the mean values of WG in Group II and III than in Groups IV and V. Mean WG of  Groups IV and V did not differ statistically, but there were statistically higher WG in Group V than in group IV. There were consequent high FCR values of 7.3, 5.71, 5.67, 6.19 and 7.08 for groups I, II, III, IV and V respectively compared to 4.9 for Group VI. Thus, the treatment with kaempferol in two weeks old broilers had ameliorated the effects of Eimeria tenella on WG, FI and FCR in this study.

Keywords: Amprolium, Eimeria tenella, feed conversion ratio, kaempferol, weight gain,

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0331-2062