In order to obtain information on the quality characteristics and acceptability of meat from N'dama (YN) and Muturu (YM) breeds of cattle, the young bulls were slaughtered at about 11 months of age and their
Longissimus dorsi (LD) and
Psoars major (PM) muscles subjected to chemical evaluation of the raw meat as well as eating quality characteristics of the meat cooked for 10, 15 and 20 min. These were compared to meat from mature Sokoto Gudali (SG). Results showed that meat from YM and YN had similar moisture contents but differed significantly (P < 0.05) in fat contents. Meat from YM and YN bulls had higher moisture but lower fat contents compared to meat from SG bulls. The LD muscles had higher % fat in the three experimental groups than the PM muscles. Total protein and ash contents were similar for all samples but protein solubility was higher (P < 0.05) in YN young bulls compared to mature bulls. YN and YM had similar ultimate pH but these young bulls had lower ultimate pH than mature bulls (P < 0.05). Total pigment contents varied (P < 0.05) between breeds, maturity and muscles types with YM having higher myoglobin than YN, PM higher than LD and mature bulls more than young bulls. Sensory colour and odour of meat varied (P < 0.05) between samples with meat from mature SG bulls being rated lower than those from YM and YN bulls. After cooking for 10 and 15 min, all samples were acceptable but their tenderness varied between samples, with the young bulls meat being rated as (P< 0.05) more tender than mature bulls but on cooking for 20 min, judges could detect significant differences in juiciness, Ravour, tenderness and general acceptability of samples. Generally, meat from young bulls were adjudged more acceptable than meat from mature bulls.
Key Words: Muturu, N'dama, Age,
Longissimus, Sokoto Gudali