Author fees

This journal charges authors a publication fee of N25000 or 100USD.

Publisher Information

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, 1 Ikpa road, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Peer review

Once a manuscript is received, the editorial office evaluates the manuscript to ensure compliance with the instructions to authors. Each manuscript that meets the conditions contained in the guidelines for authors is sent to two independent expert reviewers who are identified by the Editor and unknown to the author(s). One or more of these may be a member of the Editorial Board. Reviewers may recommend rejection, modification or acceptance of a manuscript. A manuscript is accepted for publication if recommended as such by at least two expert reviewers and manuscripts recommended for modification are returned to their author(s) for revision. When a manuscript earlier recommended for revision is revised and submitted by the author(s), it is still sent to at least one of the reviewers for recommendation for acceptance, further corrections, or rejection. In any case, all comments by the reviewers (unknown to the authors) are forwarded to the author(s), as appropriate.

We are committed to rapid editorial decisions and publication, and we believe that an efficient editorial process is a valuable service both to our authors and to the scientific community as a whole. We therefore request reviewers to respond promptly within a limited number of days. If reviewers anticipate a longer delay than expected, we ask them to let us know so that we can keep the authors informed and, where necessary, find alternatives.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes 4 issues in 1 volume a year.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2971-737X
print ISSN: 2971-7388