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Effect of ambient storage condition on the pH and vitamin C content of selected Tetra-Pak packaged fruit juices marketed in Nigeria.
Orange, Cofrutos Tropical Mixed Fruit, Chivita Mango, Chivita Pineapple, Don Simon Multifruta and PureJoy Apple fruit juices. The juice samples were subjected to an ambient storage condition at mean maximum temperature of 27.8 C for 24 weeks. Periodic analyses were carried out every two weeks starting from day zero to determine the influence of storage on thepHand vitaminCcontent of the juice samples. Vitamin C values presented significant differences (P<0.05) with storage time. Results of the study show a weekly loss of 2.3, 3.0, 3 .5 and 3.6% vitamin C in Cofrutos Orange, Don Simon Multifruta, PureJoy Apple and Chivita Pineapple juices respectively. The Chivita Mango and Cofrutos Tropical Mixed Fruit juices had a constant value of 1.3mg/100ml of Vitamin C from week 0 up to week 8 of storage period. This value dropped to 1.1mg/100ml vitamin C on the 10 week and was
further reduced to 0.8mg/100ml Vitamin C at which it remained constant for the rest of storage period. In addition the results of the study show that there was a significant difference at (P.0.05) inpHwith storage time.