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Production and evaluation of the physico-chemical properties of maize-bambara groundnut “apula”.
The results showed that supplementation of maize with bambara groundnut flour significantly increased the protein, fat, ash and fibre contents of the ‘apula’ blends with values ranging from 9.96 – 19.22, 3.48 – 5.33, 1.66 – 3.22 and 1.82 – 3.22% for protein, fat, ash and fibre respectively. The carbohydrate content of the blends however decreased significantly from 72.75 – 65.12. The bulk densities, foam
and emulsion capacities of the ‘apula’ significantly increased with supplementation of bambara groundnut in the blends. The values ranged from 0.75 – 0.80g/ml, 1.68 –2.85% and 3.38 – 4.95% for the bulk density, foam and emulsion capacities respectively. The samples exhibited good flow properties with significant decrease in peak,
trough, breakdown and final viscosities as level of supplementation of bambara groundnut increased in the blends. There were no significant differences (P<0.05) among the blends in all the sensory attributes of colour, taste, aroma, texture and overall acceptability. These results
suggest that bambara groundnut can be used to improve the nutritional, functional as well as sensory properties of the maize meal, ‘apula’.