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Quality evaluation of ‘lafun’ produced from stored cassava roots
roots. The proximate composition, physicochemical characteristics, rheological characteristics and sensory quality of the Lafun produced were evaluated. The moisture content of the cassava roots decreased with storage period, irrespective of the storage conditions, from 67.75% in the fresh cassava to 55.61% in the stored cassava roots. The proximate composition of Lafun obtained from freshly harvested cassava roots were higher than those obtainedfrom the stored roots and the observed differences were more marginal with soil stored cassava roots than room stored cassava roots. The quantity of lafun produced from the stored cassava roots decreased with storage. The percentage reduction in yield varied from 8.2% to 25% over the 9 days storage period in the room, and from 2.5% to 5.6% over the 9 days storage
period in the soil. Lafun produced from cassava roots stored
in the soil for 1 to 6 days and cassava roots stored in the room for 1 to 3 days had final viscosity (326.75 –333.25RVU), Water Absorption Capacity (81.91 –91.81ml/gm), Bulk Density (0.55 – 0.58mg/ml) and
Swelling Index (3.87 – 3.91) which were respectively similar to those obtained from freshly harvested cassava roots. However, lower values were obtained respectively, from Lafun produced from 9 days soil stored and 6 days to 9 days room stored cassava roots. There were no significant differences (P<0.05) between the mean score for appearnce
(8.7), odour (7.9) texture (7.8) and overall acceptability (8.8)
of the Lafun obtained from freshly harvested cassava roots and those obtained from Lafun produced from both the 3 – 6 days soil stored and 3 days room stored cassava roots which ranged from 8.1 – 8.5, 7.5 – 7.9, 6.9 – 7.1 and 7.9 – 8.1 respectively. These mean scores were significantly different (p<0.05) from those obtained from Lafun produced from both the 9 days soil stored and 6 – 9 days room stored
cassava tubers.