AA Olapade
Food and Analytical Service Division, Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi, P.M.B. 21023 Ikeja, Lagos
PU Ugokwe
Food and Analytical Service Division, Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi, P.M.B. 21023 Ikeja, Lagos
AU Ozumba
Food and Analytical Service Division, Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi, P.M.B. 21023 Ikeja, Lagos
HM Solomon
Food and Analytical Service Division, Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi, P.M.B. 21023 Ikeja, Lagos
O Olatunje
Food and Analytical Service Division, Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi, P.M.B. 21023 Ikeja, Lagos
SO Adelaja
Department of Food Technology, Lagos State Polytechnic , Ikorodu, Lagos
Premix was formulated from cowpea flour, pepper powder and onion powder by mixing the ingredients together this was then packed. Proximate chemical composition and functional properties (water absorption capacity, solubility index, foaming capacity and foam stability) of the cowpea flour as affected by inclusion of other ingredients were determined. Inclusion of other ingredients separately and jointly in cowpea flour had significant effects on functional properties but little effect on proximate chemical compositions of cowpea flour. Foaming and water absorption capacities were decreased as a result of added ingredients. Akara prepared from pre-formulated premix prior to re-hydration into paste compared favourably with the control akara from freshly prepared cowpea paste but had texture rated lower and low overall acceptability.
Key words: premix, ingredient, cowpea, akara, and functional property
Nigerian Food Journal Vol.22 2004: 54-59