AB Meadows
Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria
RJ Murphy
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
AO Olorunda
Department of Food and Agriculture Technical Management, University of Venda, P.M.B. 5050, Thohyandou 0950, South Africa
TO Aina
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Light-Microscopic examination of fresh cross-sections (150-200nm thick) of ginger root indicated the presence of deposits of deep, mid-and light yellow coloured cells. The cells had oval, brilliantly shinning, yellowish central portion encased in a dark lining. The deep yellow cells were found tightly packed in the epidermis while the mid-and light yellow cells were found scattered in the cortex and central regions of the rhizome. When the cells were broken, oily droplets were released. FTIR microspectroscopy confirmed the presence of 6 – gingerol in these cells by spectra comparison with a pure crystalline standard.
Key words:Ginger (Zingiber Oficinale Roscoe) 6 – gingerol, Light and FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra – Red) microscopy, Lipid cells
Nigerian Food Journal Vol.22 2004: 18-22