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A Survey on Paternity Leave Policy in Nigeria; A Case Study of Women in Ogbomoso Town, Oyo State, South-West Nigeria

Ogunlaja OA
Bakare TY
Bobo TI
Okunoye O
Ogunlaja IP
Olasinde YT


The Federal Government of Nigeria introduced a policy for the approval of 14-day leave for male federal officials to improve relations with newly born or adopted babies and provide support to their spouses. This was a survey to ascertain the perception of women about the recent approved paternity leave policy by the Federal Government of Nigeria. A descriptive cross- sectional study was conducted among women with a current or at least one pregnancy experience, in Ogbomoso town, Oyo state, South-west Nigeria. A random sampling technique was used to select 300 participants who met the eligibility criteria. Data were collected using self- administered structured questionnaire. The data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25 (SPSS). The majority (80.97%) of the respondents were aware of male support for the purpose of the care of the child. Nearly half (43.26%) of the respondents were informed of the need for male support by health professionals. Most respondents (85.92%) agreed that male support was needed for maternity care. For emotional support, 39.1% strongly agree with the need for financial support, while 64.8 percent strongly believe that spiritual support is very important. Among the respondents, 49.2% strongly agreed that their male spouse was needed to provide support, whereas 4.7% strongly disagreed. When respondents were asked about paternity leave, majority felt it was a positive development and that the timing (70.86%) and duration (54.18%) were appropriate. This study shows that women see the recent approval of the paternity leave by the Federal Government of Nigeria as a positive development. They also agree with the need for male involvement in maternity care because it enhances a better overall health outcome in pregnancy, labour and puerperium.

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eISSN: 1597-7889