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Quality of life in Patients with Depression in Chronic Kidney Disease in a University Teaching Hospital in Northern Nigeria.

Maigari MJ



Depression is highly prevalent in patients with chronic kidney disease and leads to impaired quality of life. In this study, the quality of life of patients with depression in chronic kidney disease was compared with those without depression. A cross sectional study of 200 patients with chronic kidney disease who were recruited by simple random sampling. They were administered with the socio-demographic/clinical and treatment adherence questionnaire. They were then screened with the General Health Questionnaire 12. Those that scored 3 and above and randomly selected 10 % of those with score less than 3 had the Schedule for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry administered to them. All patients had the World Health Organisation Quality of life bref Questionnaire administered to them. Prevalence rate of depression in the sample was 30 %. Employment status was found to be significantly associated with the overall facet of World Health Organisation Quality of life bref (p=0.021) . The psychological domain of the WHOQOL brief was significantly associated with depression. Depression is highly prevalent in patients with chronic kidney disease which lower their quality of life. Therefore, depression should be routinely screened for in renal care settings and treated to improve general outcome and increase quality of life.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-7889