Nigerian Hospital Practice, is a peer-reviewed scientific Journal currently publishes ten issues annually. It publishes clinical reviews, case reports and original research articles in medicine and related fields that are of interest to general medical and allied health practitioners. It also publishes miscellaneous articles – hospital administration, business practice, accounting, Law for health practitioners and letters about published papers.

All manuscript will be subject to blinded peer-review and the decision of the editor would be final. Articles submitted for consideration by the author should not have been published in another journal, or currently submitted to any other publisher. The Editor retains the right to stylize and shorten any material accepted for publication without changing the content.

Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor-in-chief with a letter to that effect signed by all the authors. They should be typed, double spaced and submitted in triplicates complete with illustrations. Tables should be typed on separate sheets and numbered in Roman numericals. The manuscripts should be accompanied by a Flash Drive or CD Re-writable labeled with the name of the author(s).

The title page should be separated and should contain title, name, designation and address of author(s). A summary of not more than 250 words should be submitted. Four to six key words should also be provided.

The title page should be separated and should contain title, name, designation and address of author(s). A summary of not more than 250 words should be submitted. Four to six key words should also be provided.

Illustrations should be on colour glossy prints or original computer hard copy, adequately identifiable in pencil on the back including an arrow indicating the top. All illustration should be mentioned in the text and referred to as figures in Arabic numerals. Full face illustrations should be accompanied by statement of consent of the patient.

References should be cited in numerical order in the text, using the Vancouver style of referencing designated by numbers in numerical sequence, and should be typed in the following manner.

Journals reference: 1) Osuntokun BO. Stroke in the Africans Afr. J. Med. Sc. 1977; 6: 64-76.

Book reference (2) Non communicable diseases in Nigeria edited by O.O. Akinyanju. Published by Federal Ministry of Health, Lagos, 1993, Pp30.

On publication, the manuscript will be assigned to the journal for copy right purposes. A Publication fee of N10, 000.00 is charged for accepted manuscript for publication, payable to CME Ventures.

Manuscript preferably should be posted through the e-mail:, or  PO. Box 6420, Ikeja, Lagos.

Abbreviation and referencing

Nigerian Hospital Practice is marketed as Nigerian Hospital Practice, it is officially referenced as Nig. Hosp.Pract.

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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the editors.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-7889
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