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Congestive cardiac failure in a patient with systemic sclerosis: Case report and literature review

Chibuike Eze Nwafor
Datonye Dennis Alasia
Boma Orupabo Oyan


Background: Systemic sclerosis and other connective tissue diseases are thought to be rare in Nigerians and are not common causes of heart failure compared to hypertensive heart disease. The presence of cardiac involvement in a patient with systemic sclerosis generally portends poor outcome. We therefore present a report of congestive cardiac failure in a patient with systemic sclerosis.

Methods: The case records of a patient with systemic sclerosis and congestive cardiac failure and a review of the literature utilizing Medline, PubMed and google search engines was utilized.

Result: A 68 year old female with ACR criteria for the diagnosis of SSe presented in CCF. Cardiac evaluation revealed findings suggestive of primary cardiac disease of SSe. The presence of CCF in patients with SSe is a poor prognostic marker and
cause of mortality and morbidity,

Conclusion: Early detection of cardiovascular manifestations should be a priority in
systemic sclerosis. To the best of our knowledge, CCF due to SSe has not been reported in Nigerians.

Keywords: Systemic sclerosis; Primary Cardiac Disease; Heart failure; Nigerians