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Pectus Excavatum in an 18 Month Old Male

Lucy Eberechukwu Yaguo Ide
Tochi Ada Uchenwa-Onyenegecha


Background: Pectusexcavatum is uncommon in children; with an incidence of 1 in 400-1000. It is also a rare presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis in children. There is paucity of reports on cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in children presenting with pectusexcavatum in our environment. It is on this background that we report a case of pulmonary tuberculosis with pectusexcavatum in an 18month old male.

Methods: The case records of an 18 month old male and a review of the literature on the subject, through google, Medline and PubMed search was utilised.

Result: An 18month old male presented with chest in-drawing, and pectusexcavatumof 6month duration. Investigations done revealed that he had pulmonary tuberculosis. He was commenced on anti TB drugs and made remarkable improvement.

Conclusion: Cases of pulmonary tuberculosis with pectusexcavatum are not common in children. A high index of suspicion will be needed to make an early diagnosis. Pulmonary Tuberculosis should be considered in children presenting with pectusexcavatum.

Keywords: Pectusexcavatum; Pulmonary Tuberculosis; Children

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-345X
print ISSN: 0189-9287