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Interrogating Students’ Low performance in English Language Subject in Government Primary Schools: Evidence from Dodoma City Council

Gloria Nangawe Urassa
Dr Michael Msendekwa


This study aims at exploring the factors contributing to
low performance of English language subject in
government primary school in Dodoma city council. The
study using descriptive survey design which is appropriate
for collecting detailed data needed for the study. Data
were collected using questionnaire and In-depth
interview. The questionnaire targeted English teachers
and students, while interviews were conducted with head
of schools and educational administrator. Data from
interviews were analyzed thematically. Themes were
identified and coded to understand patterns and insights
related to the factors affecting students' performance.
Results indicate that the factors contributing to low
performance of English language in government primary
schools were; weak English background among pupils,
multilingual classes, and incompetent teachers on
language usage, limited resources, crowded classroom,
and overreliance on Swahili language, shortage of English
language teachers and lack of parents’ support and
interest. These findings offer valuable insights and it is
recommended that Ward Education Officer (WEO) and
head teachers need to report the correct and most useful
data about the number of English language teachers per
school, availability of teaching and learning resources like
books, its deficits and the quantities needed; this would
effectively enable the government to equally allocate these
resources. Moreover, students should be motivated to
acquire confidence wherever they make mistake in
language classroom to in courage them in language

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2814-1105