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The History of Kaimosi Friends Hospital, 1902 - 1996

Herbert Misigo Amatsimbi


This paper examines the history of Kaimosi
Friends Hospital, located in western Kenya.
Established in 1903 by the Friends African
Mission (FAM), the hospital was a key
component of the Friends Church’s secular
departments that supported the primary
objective of converting Africans to Christianity.
The main purpose of this study was to provide
an overview of the hospital’s history. Literature
review was undertaken to identify knowledge
gaps and collect pertinent written materials for
the study. The analysis revealed that the
hospital’s history can be interpreted through
two lenses: success and failure. The hospital
experienced steady growth during the colonial
era and even established satellite clinics.
Following Kenya’s independence, the
management of the hospital was transferred to
East African Yearly Meeting (EAYM) leaders.
However, under African leadership, the hospital
became a focal point of conflicts and disputes.
Ultimately, the hospital ceased operations in

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2814-1105