Author Guidelines Aims and Scope: The New Egyptian Journal of Microbiology (NEJMI) publishes research in all fields of Microbiology. The journal welcomes papers focusing on microbiological and/or immunological studies from medical or pharmaceutical perspectives. Research on bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, algae, immunity, immune system, and pharmaceutical microbiology is highly relevant. The journal publishes original scientific articles and reviews. Communications should be addressed to the Co-Editor-in-Chief Dr Hossam M Ashour, 95 Ahmed Orabi Street, Mohandessin, Cairo, Egypt 12411 Telephone: +20101482432, E-mail: The NEJMI peer review process: All the manuscripts submitted to the NEJMI are peer reviewed. Some manuscripts are rejected after an in-house review by the Editors-in-Chief, mainly for reasons related to scope of the journal. Primary reasons for rejection at this stage are lack of originality, lack of significant scientific message important to a general Microbiology readership. The remaining manuscripts are sent to two external referees selected from a database of many experts. The final decision is that of the Editors-in-Chief. We aim at reaching a final decision on publication within two months of manuscript submission. Original scientific articles and authoritative reviews will be published in the next issue after being accepted. General instructions: All materials submitted to be considered for publication must be submitted exclusively to NEJMI. It is a condition that all authors must give signed consent to publication. All manuscripts should be typed in double line spacing on numbered pages and conform to the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Authors should provide their names, addresses and appointment/designation at the time they undertook the study. They should also provide a current address (including telephone, facsimile and E-mail) for purposes of correspondence. A non-refundable fee of US$100.00 is levied on all submitted articles. No article will be processed without this fee. Material accepted for publication will be edited including the title. Where possible, proofs are sent to authors of the manuscripts. Charges for publication include a charge US $100.00, which does not include charges for colored figures. Original articles and reviews: Please send one electronic copy to and three copies in print to the Co-Editor-in-Chief Dr Hossam M Ashour, 95 Ahmed Orabi Street, Mohandessin, Cairo, Egypt 12411. Articles should be not more than five thousand words with a maximum of eight tables or other illustrations. An abstract of no more than 250 words must be included. Copies of related papers already published should be submitted if the papers are not available online. This requirement is important where details of study methods are published elsewhere or when the manuscript is part of a series, say, part II of a series where part I has been published elsewhere. Other submissions: (i) Letters to the Editor are welcome but must not be more than eight hundred words; contain only one illustration (table or figure) with less than five references. Priority will be accorded to letters responding to articles published in the journal within four months. Letters to the Editor will be edited and may be drastically shortened without losing the gist of the message, but proofs may not be sent to authors. Conflict of interest: Authors of original articles, reviews and letters to the editor should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that they might have. Such conflicts may take many forms; the common ones are financial, personal, political or academic. Sources of funding must be explicitly stated. Reviewers are also required to disclose any conflict of interest. Ethical issues: Authors are responsible for the views, opinions and authenticity of the material published in the NEJMI. Where applicable, requirements of both international guidelines on research ethics as well as those of the local research ethics committee must be fulfilled, and authors are required to state that this is indeed the case. Attention must be drawn to consent, confidentiality and data ownership. If there is a possibility that a patient may be identified in an article, case report or illustration, the NEJMI advises that the written consent be obtained from the patient or guardian(s). Copyright: All authors transfer copyright to the NEJMI in accordance with international copyright regulations. Submission of a manuscript, therefore, implies: that the work described has not been previously published (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all the authors and; that if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the journal, that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without consent of the copyright holder. Format and style: Original articles should conform to the AIMRADAR format, that is, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, and Discussion, Acknowledgments (if any) and References. Abbreviations, such as, etc., i.e., e.g. should not be used. Internationally recognized abbreviations may only be used after the long form has been written and explained. For instance, the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN). Drugs should be referred to by approved and proprietary names. Scientific measurements should be given in SI units, except for blood pressure which should be presented in mm Hg. If photographs (such as, photomicrographs or electron micrographs) are included in the manuscript, three complete sets of glossy prints should be sent. They should not be inserted in the text but should be numbered on the back with figure numbers, caption, title of the paper and name of the author(s). The photographs should be marked ‘TOP’ where necessary. Photographs, graphs and diagrams will be referred to as figures and should be numbered in Arabic numerals. The position of the illustrations in the text should be clearly indicated. The tables should be essential, numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals and typed on separate pages. Manuscripts should be consistent in style and spelling. Slang, medial jargon and obscure abbreviations must not be used. A title page should be provided to contain: (i) the title of the paper, (ii) author(s) name(s) and signature(s), degrees, designation, name of institution where the work was carried out, present address, telephone and facsimile or telex numbers and e-mail address, if available, and (iii) name and address of the author to whom all communications should be addressed. References: Only references which are clearly related to the authors work should be quoted. The NEJMI allows up to fifty references for original articles; up tone hundred references for reviews. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text. At the end of the article, the full list of references should give the names and initials of all authors References made to a journal should include, title of the paper quoted, name of the journal, abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus, (see “list of journals indexed”, printed yearly in the January issue of Index Medicus); and arranged in Vancouver style, that is, year, volume, first and last page numbers. References made to books should bear the author’s or editor’s last name, initials, title, edition number, place of publication, publisher and year. Information from manuscripts not yet in press, papers reported at meetings and conferences, or personal communications may be cited only in the text, not as a formal reference; and even for this an author should get permission from the source to cite personal communication. Authors must check the accuracy and completeness of the references before submitting the article. Page proofs, offprints and reprints: Page proofs will be submitted, whenever possible, to contributors for minor corrections and must be returned within ten days, as at this time, production is at advanced stages. Neither late nor major changes can be implemented. Fifty offprints to each article are provided at a charge of US$75 plus airmail cost of US$25 , payable in advance. Authors are advised to submit a cheque together with their order for both offprints and any additional reprints when returning the proofs. Rates are subject to change without notice.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1687-1219
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