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Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Nanotechnology Organized by Nanotechnology Research Group (Nano+), Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso, Nigeria

A. Lateef
M. A. Azeez
T. A. Yekeen
M. O. Durowoju
Y. K. Sanusi
I. C. Oladipo
T. B. Asafa
J. A. Badmus
E. A. Adebayo
M. K. Awodele
O. Adedokun
M. A. Olamoyegun
A. A. Adewale
I. F. Bolarinwa


The Nanotechnology Research Group (NANO+) at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria organized its 8th international conference on nanotechnology on 19-22 November 2024 using both physical and Zoom platforms (hybrid). The conference coded ‘LAUTECH NANO 2024’ with the theme ‘Nanotechnology Revolution for Sustainable Development: Securing the Future for the Benefits of Humanity provided a platform for African nations to explore nanotechnology to engender the much-desired growth and development on the continent, and also to bridge the gap of nanotechnology divide between Africa and the developed nations. In this regard, active players and seasoned scholars in nanotechnology R&D in Africa and other countries shared their experiences and visions with participants. In addition, seventy-two (72) papers were presented at the technical sessions in diverse science, engineering, agriculture, and biomedicine areas from 45 institutions/agencies in more than 10 countries. This book of extended abstracts contains the schedule of activities, welcome addresses, goodwill messages, keynote addresses, invited/plenary lectures, and abstracts of oral presentations. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2782-8174
print ISSN: 2782-8166