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Economic Appraisal of Artisanal Fishery Resources in Ogun State, Nigeria
Fisheries resources are common asset accessible for exploitation by any one that has the means to do so. Considering the opportunities this freedom offers, there is tendency for overexploitation of the resources than is desirable. This study estimates the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY); Open Access Yield (OAY); and Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) of the artisanal fisheries resources of the four biotopes (Marine, Estuarine, Lacustrine and Riverine) in Ogun State. The two widely used surplus model thus Schaefer's and Fox models were used. Marine and Estuarine biotopes were exploited above the Maximum Sustainable Yield. The levels of exploitation in Riverine and Lacustrine biotopes were still within the acceptable range. The result of the estimated Open Access Yield revealed that the level of exploitation in Riverine and Lacustrine are within the acceptable range. Marine and estuarine were over exploited respectively by 63.8% and 28.07%. The current level of exploitation was such that actual catch was 227% and 156% above Maximum Economic Yield for Marine and Estuarine biotopes respectively. Riverine and Lacustrine biotopes were also overexploited from Maximum Economic Yield point of view. The level of current catch was about 84,04% and 74.81% above the estimated MEY for Riverine and Lacustrine biotopes. The study concluded that the four biotopes in Ogun State were overexploited. The level of exploitation was above its Maximum Economic Yield. Diversification of livelihoods was recommended for the artisanal fishers that exploited marine and estuarine biotopes.