This study was carried out in farmers‘ field, from March to December in 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons at the research site of the Lower Niger River Basin Development Authority, Ejiba, Kogi State of Nigeria to investigate the effect of depth of planting, methods of planting and animal residues application on the growth and yield performance of cassava (TMS 30572). The experiments consisted of 3 × 3 × 3 factorial in randomized complete block design with three replications. The planting depth imposed were: 7.5cm, 15cm and 22.5cm; planting methods evaluated were: (і) planting at 45o (angle), (іі) planting at 90o, and (ііі) planting at 180o and animal manure used were (i) poultry manure at 4 t/ha, (ii) cow dung at 4 t/ha and (iii) pig manure at 4 t/ha. These three factors were tested on cassava variety TMS 30572. Planting distance was 1m x 1cm giving a crop density of 10000 plant/ha. Average length of cutting was 25 cm. Growth and yield parameters taken were as follows: days to 50% germination, % number of plants remain on the field after 10 month of planting (%), number of primary stem, weight of 30 cm long stem, internode length (cm), average plant height, leaf area (m2), number of tuber per plant, number of marketable tuber per plant and yield per land area. Data were collected from ten randomly selected plants in each plot. From this experiment it can be concluded that cassava stem planted at depth of 15 to 22.5cm germinated better and had better survival rate on the field. Also, cassava planted at 45o produced better growth and yield characters in this experiment. Cassava treated with poultry manure performs better in terms of growth and tuber yield in this experiment. It is therefore recommended that TMS 30572 should be planted at depth of 15 to 22.5cm, planting at 45° angle and poultry manure apply at the rate of 4t/ha be used as soil amendment for cassava production in the study area.