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Gender differentials in ICT uptake rating among research scientists in the Universities of Agriculture, Nigeria
The study examined the challenge to ICT uptake rating among research scientists in the Nigerian Universities of Agriculture through gender inequality. Primary data were used for the study which was generated through the use of questionnaire. The study took a sample of 240 respondents from a population of 1758 from the three Nigerian Universities of Agriculture. Simple random technique was used to select the respondents. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and mean scores of a 4- point Likert type- scale while Pearson Product Moment correlation was used to test the hypothesis. Results show that there were more males within the system than females, and ICT facilities were largely available with grand mean score of 2.76. Males have higher level of ICT knowledge and spent more time on ICT than their female counterpart. However the result shows that there is a significant relationship at 5% level of probability between the males and females. Thus the null hypothesis is rejected while the alternate is accepted. Therefore, the study recommends that an increasing opportunity and encouragement be given to the female research scientists in our Universities of Agriculture with the purpose of enhancing their capacity which would in turn improve their
Keywords: Inequality, gender, ICT uptake, and Research Scientists