Author Guidelines
Authors are requested to submit their papers to the following email address: Before submitting your paper kindly adhere
to the following guidelines:
- Papers must have a title, author’s name, institutional affiliation, email
address and brief information about the author. - Submit your paper in the following format MS WORD (A4), Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing and in font 12.
- Abstracts should not exceed 200 words and must have at 4-6 key words.
- Papers must adopt the following format: Introduction and literature review, methodology, data analysis, findings, conclusion and recommendations.
- Number of words should be between 4000-6500.
- Referencing style is APA, 7th edition.
Waandishi wanaombwa kuwasilisha makala kwa njia ya barua pepe kwa kutumia anwani: Waandishi wa makala wanaombwa kuzingatia maelekezo yafuatayo:
- Makala yawe na anwani, jina la mwandishi, chuo, taasisi au shirika analofanyia kazi, barua pepe na taarifa fupi kumhusu mwandishi. Taarifa hizi zitokee kwenye ukurasa wa kwanza.
- Makala yapigwe chapa kwa kutumia programu ya MS WORD, kwa kuzingatia utaratibu wa Times New Roman kwenye umbo la A4, kukiwa na nafasi ya 1.5 baina ya mistari na maandishi yawe ya fonti 12.
- Ikisiri isizidi maneno 200 na iwe na maneno muhimu (kati ya 4-6).
- Makala yazingatie mtindo ufuatao: Utangulizi na Mapitio ya Maandishi, Mbinu za utafiti, matokeo, hitimisho na mapendekezo.
- Idadi ya maneno: 4000-6500.
- Marejeleo yaandikwe kwa kutumia mfumo wa APA, juzuu la 7.