Author fees

This journal is free to read, and charges no fees to authors. It is Diamond Open Access.

Publisher Information

Moi University Press, Moi University-Kenya

Peer review

Once the author submits an article, the review process begins immediately. First, an initial editorial assessment will be initiated. After which, a selection of reviewers with relevant expertise will be identified. For quality checks, every article will be reviewed by two reviewers. Once the articles have been reviewed, they are sent back to the authors for corrections. When the authors resubmit the articles after making corrections a final editorial decision based on the reviews will be made based on the following options: either to publish the paper without any correction, or with minor corrections, or with major changes or should be outrightly rejected.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes 2 issues in 1 volume a year.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2709-8419
print ISSN: 2412-6993