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Prevalence and Factors Associated with Superficial Tumors and Tumor-like Swelling in Cattle and Buffalo in Egypt
Objective: To investigate the prevalence and factors associated with superficial tumors in Egyptian water buffalo and cattle and to present their clinical and immunohistochemical (IHC) features.
Design: Case-control study.
Animals: A total of 1253 animals were studied (866 cross breeds of cattle and 387 native buffaloes). Eighty-one cases (64 cattle and 17 buffalo) were suffered from tumor like swelling. The Clinical, microscopical, histopathological and IHC of the tumor were assessed. Additionally, different surgical interferences and anesthesia were applied for their excision.
Results: Based on clinical, histopathological and IHC examination, neoplasia were diagnosed in 75 animals (92.59%). Generally, the prevalence rate of tumor was higher in Cattle than buffalo (78.66% vs 21.33%). Animals aged <5 years exhibited higher incidence of tumor (70.66%) than other ages. Females showed higher prevalence of tumor (85.33%) than males. The diagnosed benign tumors were papilloma (32.14%), fibroma (28.57%), dermoid (28.75%), myxoma (3.57%), lipoma (3.57%) and lipomyxoma (3.57%). While, the diagnosed malignant tumors were squamous cell carcinoma (SCC; 72.34%), basal cell carcinoma (14.89%), fibrosarcoma (6.38%), melanosracoma(2.12%), myxosarcoma (2.12%), and teratoma (2.12%). Of the detected tumors, head had the highest occurrence (61.33%) followed by sexual organ and mammary gland (18.66%), trunk (6.66%) and limb (5.33%). IHC analysis of different types of tumor tissues showed higher expression of Ki67 in both benign and malignant tumors with variable degree.
Conclusion and clinical relevance: superficial tumors have high incidence in cattle compared to buffalo. Papilloma, fibroma and dermoid were the most commonly diagnosed benign tumors. SCC, basal cell carcinoma and fibrosarcoma were the most commonly diagnosed malignant tumors. Surgical excision of the superficial tumors offers a satisfy solution for the condition. IHC and histopathological examination provides precise techniques for evaluation, and differentiation between benign and malignant tumors.