This study examined the knowledge, attitude and preventive practices (KAP) of 250 first year Nigeria students regarding HIV/AIDS, in July 2002. Data was collected by both quantitative method using structured questionnaires and by qualitative method through focus group discussion (FGD). Respondents had a mean age of 22.2 years, were mainly Christians (98.4%), single (97.2%), and lived off-campus (80.8%). Information from the FGD was quite comparable to what was obtained through questionnaires. Only 4.4% could define HIV correctly while 33.6% defined AIDS correctly. Majority (84.4%), knew that HIV causes AIDS, 73.6% knew that youths were the age group most at risk, 37.2% thought there was a cure while 39% knew there was no effective vaccine for AIDS. More than half (57.2%) , were concerned about contracting HIV with 67.2% believing HIV/AIDS was in their school, however 80.6% had never been tested for HIV. The FGD exposed the misconceptions and chauvinism of some male participants on HIV/AIDS issues and the inadequacy of knowledge of participants. Although some knew important routes of transmission and ways of prevention, they need more education on HIV/AIDS issues.
Key Words: K.A.P. on HIV/AIDS, students, tertiary institution, Nigeria
Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine Vol.4(1) 2004: 37-44