‘Chemiron' a new haematinic preparation containing ferrous fumarate 300mg, folic acid 5mg, Vitamin B12 10mcg, Vitamin C 25mg, zinc sulphate 0.3mg and magnesium sulphate 0.3mg was compared with the standard regimen – ferrous sulphate 200mg once (prophylaxis) or three times (therapeutic) and folic acid 5mg daily. This was to evaluate the effectiveness of this drug as one of the drugs administered routinely to pregnant mothers antenatally as prophylactic and therapeutic agents. Two hundred and sixty six subjects were studied in a longitudinal fashion from the 18th week of gestation till term. The subjects were randomly allocated to either ‘Chemiron' (test group) or ferrous sulphate and folic acid (Control group). There were also two subgroups under each major group. They were the anaemic and non-anaemic groups. The anaemic test and control groups were given a tablet of Chemiron daily or ferrous sulphate 200mg three times and folic acid 5mg daily respectively. The non-anaemic subjects of the ‘Chemiron' group also had a capsule of ‘Chemiron' daily while the control group had ferrous sulphate 200mg once and folic acid 5mg daily. Blood samples were collected from each subject on admission into the study and every two weeks. These samples were analyzed for Packed Cell Volume, Haemoglobin, Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration, reticulocytes and Ferritin levels. The analysis of the result revealed a statistically significant increase in the PCV of the Chemiron group recorded a 17% increase in the PCV of the anaemic subjects, the percentage increase of the control subjects was 6.7%. None of the anaemic subjects of the anaemic control group were still anaemic by the 10th week of treatment. In the subjects the Chemiron group had increases in the PCV levels when the values were compared at 2 weekly intervals but the PCV of the controls did not change. The Chemiron group had significantly higher levels of reticulocytes (by the 2nd week of treatment), red blood cells and serum ferritin levels for both the anaemic and the non-anaemic groups than the control group (P<0.05).
Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine Vol.3(2) 2003: