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Association of Pulmonary Paragonimiasis with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Rural Yakurr Community in Cross River Basin, Nigeria
The subjects ranged in age between 5-68 years old, and were categorized into eleven age groups (5-10, 11-16, 17-22, 23-28, 29-34, 35-40, 41-46, 47-52, 53-58, 59-64, and > 64). Both sexes were represented. Three sputum samples collected in three consecutive days were examined. Mean prevalence rate of Paragonimiasis in the community was 9.36% (203/1100). Highest prevalence of the infection (19.00%) occurred in the 11-16 years age group. Thereafter prevalence of the infection decreased to lower levels in the older age group. Intensity of the infections were generally low (< 20 eggs per 5ml sputum). Active pulmonary tuberculosis was recorded in 20 (1.18%) of the 100 subjects investigated, with peak prevalence (3.00%) among subjects between the age of 23 and 34 years old. Paragonimus eggs and Mycobacterium tuberculosis occurred concomitantly in 10 (0.91%) of the 1100 sputum samples examined. There was no significant association of Paragonimiasis with tuberculosis in the community.
Key Words: Paragonimiasis, Tuberculosis, and Yakurr Community, Cross River Basin, Nigeria
[Mary Slessor Jnl of Medicine Vol.3(1) 2003: 19-23]