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The effect of COVID-19 phobia on employee performance and job satisfaction: a cross-sectional study

Hatice Serap KOÇAK


The mass fear of COVID-19, which is called “coronaphobia”, causes many negative effects such as increasing unemployment rates,
decreased performance in working life and organisational problems in the business world. The study is conducted to examine how
COVID-19 is reflected in job performance and job satisfaction in terms of the sustainability of occupational health and safety of
workers especially white-collar workers, in enterprises due to the pandemic.
The study was conducted as a descriptive, cross-sectional type. Data were collected from the employees in the designated factories by
creating an online form using the “COVID-19 Phobia Scale”, “Employee Performance Scale”, and “Job Satisfaction Scale”.
The findings obtained in the study showed a significant positive relationship between employee performance and job satisfaction.
It was determined that job satisfaction and employee performance had a significant but weak relationship with COVID-19 phobia.
The findings expand previous studies by filling the lack of knowledge on how job performance and job satisfaction have effected
at workplace during a pandemic. The study data show that job performance and job satisfaction in workplace employees affect each
other and that both are affected by unexpected or extraordinary situations such as pandemics.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1995-7262
print ISSN: 1995-7270