In a prospective study conducted at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, data from 200 consecutive patients with wounds were collected over a two-week period using a standard proforma. Assaults were the principal cause of wounding (26.5%). Industrial injury and accidental self-injury were also common (17.5% and 12.5% respectively). Lacerations were by far the most common type of wound encountered (67.5%). The most common anatomical site of injury was the hand (23.5%), while the trunk accounted for only 6% of injuries. Males were approximately four times more likely to present with a wound than females. The age of patients affected ranged from 2 to 76 with the commonest group affected the 16-25 year olds. 35% of all wounds occurred in this group.
Malawi Medical Journal Vol. 17(2) 2005: 45-46