T Nga’mbi
Department of Surgery, University of Malawi College of Medicine, Blantyre, Malawi
ES Borgstein
Department of Surgery, University of Malawi College of Medicine, Blantyre, Malawi
We conducted an audit of paediatric trauma admissions to QECH, Blantyre, in September 2003. There were 107 trauma cases representing 8.8% of all paediatric admissions and mean age was 6 years. The commonest cause of trauma was falls (42.9%) followed by burns (31.8%) and road traffic accidents (14.9%). Of the road traffic accidents, only one case was a passenger, the rest were pedestrians hit by moving vehicles. Fracture of limbs was the commonest injury sustained (44.9%) and burns the second commonest injury (31.8%). Most (52.6%) children were brought into hospital within 24 hours of injury while 26.3% came in between 24 hours and 48 hours and 21.1% after 48 hours or more. Death occurred in 7.5% of cases. The mean number of days in hospital was 8.9 days.
Malawi Medical Journal Vol.17(1) 2005: 5-6