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An overview of the aetiologic agents of diarrhoea diseases in children: How far have we gone in management and control?
neoplasm. Diagnosis includes a careful history from the patient, examination of stool sample and examination of faecal swab samples where stool is not available. Diarrhoea in this age group is mostly of infectious origin and can be viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungi. Treatment in this environment is primarily supportive with oral or intravenous fluid and preventive measures include domestic hygiene promotion, breast-feeding promotion, improved weaning practices, probiotic use, oral rehydration therapy with additional L-glutamine, zinc supplementation and vaccination against childhood infectious diseases like rotavirus, measles and cholera. An aluminmagnesium silicate, Smectite® has been found to be of potential benefit in the management of diarrhoea. Use of Rotavirus vaccines, probiotics and Smectite® is being advocated.