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Surveys for Mansonella perstans Filariasis in Kalabo, Kazungula, Choma and Kafue Districts of Zambia
Design: The study was cross sectional. In Kalabo District, volunteers from three villages aged one year and above were recruited and had thick blood smears prepared. In the other three districts individuals aged 15 years and above who reported to selected health centres from the surrounding communities were recruited and had thick blood smears prepared. The blood smears were stained with Giemsa and examined for M. perstans microfilariae (mf).
Results: A total of 1439 individuals were recruited and examined (425, 348, 306 and 360 from Kalabo, Kazungula, Choma and Kafue, respectively). No M. perstans mf were seen in any of the blood smears.
Conclusions: The failure to find M. perstans mf was surprising considering previous case reports, even from some of the surveyed areas. There is a need for more surveys to be carried in other parts of the country to ascertain the distribution of M. perstans. Health practitioners should moreover be informed about this infection, and trained to be able to accurately distinguish M. perstans infections from those of Wuchereria bancrofti, which are also endemic in Zambia.