Aims and scope: Mgbakoigba, Journal of African Studies, welcomes original and challenging contributions engaging historical and contemporary issues relevant to the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences, especially as they affect the field of African Studies. Its main emphasis is to generate and construct a new agenda for approaching history, methodology and theory in African knowledge production. Considering new frameworks for reflecting and addressing issues arising from the present context of economic, political, cultural and technological changes, the journal aims to establish a platform to revisit the grand teleological narration of progress and modernity where Africa has always been denied intellectual agency and subjectivity. The editors seek research papers and innovative essays engaging new debates, exhibition review essays, cultural events, key developments in artists’ studios, exhibition and conferences, responses to contemporary issues in the aforementioned disciplines. All works submitted are subject to peer review. All submissions must not exceed 6000 words.

Note to Authors: Please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on a separate page of all packages you are sending to Editors.

Submissions: Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not previously been published, and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. If an author is publishing a related article elsewhere, this fact should be stated. Authors of articles published in the journal assign copyright to the publishers (with certain rights reserved). It is the responsibility of contributors to obtain permission to reproduce any material in which they do not own copyright, to be used in both print and electronic media, and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript. Submissions should be sent by email as an attachment in Microsoft Word to:
Prof. Okechukwu Nwafor
Editor-in-Chief, Mgbakoigba

On a covering page, a brief abstract should be provided, along with full names of the authors and the submission's title, together with a correspondence address, a short biographical note (about 50 words) and, where possible, a contact telephone number and e-mail address. Double quotation marks should be used, with single quotation marks only for quotations within quotations. English (rather than American) spelling is preferred, with -ise rather than - ize endings. ‘Per cent’ should be used where the figure preceding it is given in words (‘three per cent’), % where it is given in numbers (‘43.4%’). Figures should be of publishable quality and include reference to the source. Every figure must be cited in the paper in the order in which they are numbered. Accompanying figure legends must be supplied and placed at the end of the manuscript after the references. Separate files for each figure must be provided, preferably as high resolution JPEG files, and clearly numbered. Dates should be given in the form 21 November 2007, or in the abbreviated form (e.g. in references and footnotes) 21.11.2007. All References should follow the Harvard Method and the examples are given below.

In the Text
The basic format is (Author date: page nos), there should be no comma after author:
(Okonkwo 1995; Nwanna et al. 1997: 53)
(see Hall 1992: 70)
(Daily Times 10.4.1997)
(Okoro 2001 int.)

Ademola, O. 2010. A History of Oshogbo Art. Oshogbo: Adekunle Press.
Ide, H.B., G. Okoro & U. Ikpeama 1997. Lagos Artists Since 1960. Lagos: Rex Prints.
Ibrahim, K. & E. Mills, eds. 2000. Art and Discourse. Durham: Oxford University Press.
Ikeokwu, A. 1995. The Politics of Culture. Lagos: Prince Paul.

Note: Principal words in the book’s main title have a capitalised first letter, but those in the subtitle do not.

Nzoli, U. 2000. ‘The politics of international Biennale’, African Studies 47, 2: 160-71.
Meki, J. 1969. ‘The analysis of art in developing nations’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 11: 315-41.

Chapters in Books
Nwabueze, C. 2010. ‘The Making of Egwu-Imo Awka?', in C. Onuora & A. Okonkwo, eds. Art and Performance in Anambra State. Nigeria: Heinemann Nigeria, 251-64.

Official Publications
Society of Nigerian Artists (SNA). 1990. Colonialism and Culture. Nigeria: SNA Publications. A list of newspapers and magazines referred to, with their place of publication, is provided in a separate section after the main list of references. For example: West African Standard, Lagos; The News, New York.

Unpublished Sources
Ganagana, G. 1996. ‘The Idea of Theatre’ (unpublished fieldwork).

Website references
Website references are included in the main reference section. Give an abbreviated title and date in the normal format in the text, and repeat this in the list of references at the end, followed by the full website address within sharp brackets, and the date at which the material was accessed. SA Dept. of Art and Culture. 1998. , accessed 20.3.2010.

Interview material are referenced in the text, in the form (Cole 2001 int.), with the details given in a separate section in the References, with the interviewee’s full name, a brief description to indicate the interviewee’s standing and the date and place of the interview, for example: Ikeaba, Jude, Director OmenkaAgwunsi Art Studio, Awka, 10.12.2010. Where the names of interviewees have to be kept confidential for security reasons, please give as much information as you can provide without endangering your source, e.g.: Artists’ group leader, Enugu, Enugu State, 12.12.2000. Endnotes are preferred for and should be kept to the barest minimum.

Mgbakoigba is available to readers at no cost. Mgbakoigba does not charge any fees to publish articles and authors are advised to avoid sending any money to any individual’s account. In any event where this decision is reversed, the journal’s cooperate account information shall be made available here for any fee transaction. Authors receive one complimentary copy upon publication. Hard copies edition are also sold.

For Subscriptions:
Nigeria N10000/N15000
Africa $120/$150
Outside Africa $200/$250.
The subscription rates include the cost of postage. All manuscripts and inquiries, including all correspondence on subscription should be directed to:
Prof. Okechukwu Nwafor
Editor-in-Chief, Mgbakoigba
Phone: +2347060445288

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2346-7126