Preparation of Manuscript All manuscripts should be typed on one side of an A4 paper (216mm x 279mm) in double space. The paper should not exceed approximately 3,500 words. Three copies of the paper should be submitted to the Editor-In-Chief. Final submission of the hard copy printout should be accompanied by a floppy disk (3.5” HD). For text, use Microsoft Word or Microsoft Windows operating system. For graphics, use Microsoft or Adobe Page Maker. Organization of Paper Publication: The manuscript should be organized in the following order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, discussion, Conclusions and Acknowledgement(s), Tables, Figures, Plates, etc. References. The main headings listed above should be capitalized and left justified. The sub-heading should be in lower case letters and should also be in lower case letters and should also be left justified Title: The title should be short specific and informative. Common names of plant, animals and agro-chemical should also be provided. Abstract: An abstract not exceeding 200 words should be provided. This should give the objective, animal, scope and conclusions of the work. Keywords: A maximum of five keywords should be provided to describe the content of the study. Introduction: The introduction should be brief and provide background information on the problem, including recent or current references to work done by previous researches. It should contain the objective(s) of the study. Materials and Methods: Relevant details should be given of the materials and methods, including experimental design and techniques employed. Where the methods are well known, the citation of a standard work is sufficient. This section should also contain description of equipment and statistical analysis where applicable. Results, Discussion or (Results and Discussion): The results should be supported by brief but adequate table, graphics and/or pictorial materials (black & white, colour). Colour plate will attract additional charges where necessary. Tables and figures should be typed on separate sheets and carry appropriate title. Discussions should describe the ways, the data, grphs and other illustrations that have served to provide answers to the stated problems and not a restatement of the results. S.I. Unit should be used. References (Citation): Follow the name(s) with date in text. Example (1990 for single author, Patel and Agwara (1990) for double authors and Omotoso et al., (1973) for multiple authors. References cited should be listed in alphabetical order. References to two or more papers published in the same year by the same author or authors should be distinguished by appending alphabet to the year, e.g. Adekunle (1997a, 1997b). All references cited in the text must be listed under the section: “References” as shown below: Journal Article Eka, O.U. (1978). Chemical evaluation of nutritive value of soya paps and porridges, the Nigerian weaning foods. Food Chem. 3: 199-206. Books Shaib, B., Aliyu and Bakshi (1997). Nigeria: National Agricultural Research Strategy Plans 1996 – 2000. Department of Agricultural Sciences, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Abuja, Nigeria. 335p. Book Chapter Fedak, G. (1989). Wide hybridization for cereal improved In: Malusznski, M. (Ed.). Current Options for Cereal Biological Nomenclature: Authors should follow the International rule of Nomenclature in naming organisms: each should be identified by genus, species, authority (if applicable), varietals name (in single quotes) breeds, races and accession numbers should be underlined or italicized in type-written copy and fully spelled out the first time they are used. Chemical Nomenclature: The trade names of commercial pesticides, growth regulators or other chemical products should be followed by their chemical nomenclature and a list of the concentration of active ingredients (a.i), chemical dosages should be reported as amount of active or technical materials per unit area or weight. The chemical formulation should be given and method of application clearly stated. Author’s Obligation: It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the paper submitted is the result of his or her own original research work. The Editorial Board should not accept any responsibility for statements or opinions expressed by contributors in any published article in the Journal. Copyright: Submission of a paper will imply that, if accepted for publication, it will not be published elsewhere in any language without the permission of the Editor-In-Chief of the Journal Review Procedure: All manuscripts are critically reviewed by two referees to ensure both accuracy and relevance. Based on the referees’ advice, revision of the manuscript may be required by the Editorial Board before final acceptance for publication. Proof-Correction: Proofs are supplied for a check up of the correctness of typesetting and fact. Proof correction should be in ink, in the margin. All queries marked in the article (manuscript) should be answered. Excessive alterations may be charged to the author. The proof should be returned within 21 days. Reprints: 10 copies of the off prints are given free (to be shared with co-authors). Extra copies may be requested by the authors subject to payment in advance. Charges: The charges include the following Within Nigeria - Handling, postages, etc. = N1,000.00 - Page charges = N6,000.00 (per article – first 6 pages) -Extra page charge = N800.00 (per page) From Outside Nigeria -Handling, postage = $10 -Page charges = $50 (per article) Handling charges should be sent with submission of the manuscript in cash or bank draft, addressed to the Editor–In-Chief, Moor Journal of Agricultural Research, I.A. R. & T., Ibadan, while page charges should be sent upon acceptance. Both charges are subject to review periodically. Submission of Manuscripts: Please send two copies of your paper(s) and handling charges to the Editor-In-Chief, Moor Journal of Agricultural Research, Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Obafemi Awolowo University, P.M.B. 5029, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria. E-Mail: Fax: 234-2-2316857 All correspondences should be addressed to the Editor-In-Chief, Moor Journal of Agricultural Research (Moor J. Agric. Res.). Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Obafemi Awolowo University, P.M.B. 5029, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria.

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eISSN: 1595-4153
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