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Notes on Scythrididae of western South Africa and Namibia, with descriptions of eight new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

Kari Nupponen


A list of 60 species embracing 1163 specimens of the family Scythrididae from western South Africa and Namibia is presented. The material was collected during 2016 in the course of two Finnish–Estonian expeditions to the Cape provinces of the RSA, and one further Estonian expedition to central and north-eastern Namibia. Eight new species are described from South Africa: Haploscythris karoocola sp. nov., H. orthogonella sp. nov., H. sihvoneni sp. nov., H. swartbergensis sp. nov., Scythris curtiphallus sp. nov., S. kgalagadica sp. nov., S. sippolai sp. nov., and S. vaalamoi sp. nov. The genitalia of previously unknown females of Scythris claudioculella Bengtsson, 2014, S. exsoluta Meyrick, 1920 and Scythris unciclavella Bengtsson, 2014 are described and illustrated, as well as the male genitalia of S. potgieteri Bengtsson, 2014 and S. worcesterensis Bengtsson, 2014. Scythris eburnella Bengtsson, 2014, S. kebirella (Amsel, 1935) and S. ugabensis Bengtsson, 2014 are reported as new to South Africa, and S. clemens Meyrick, 1921 as new to Namibia. The DNA barcodes were produced for 48 species. The known distribution range of each species is given, and the taxonomy of some species is briefly discussed.

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eISSN: 2307-5031