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Establishing Solar Water Disinfection as a water treatment method at household level
water and therefore are exposed to a high risk for diarrhoeal
diseases. As a consequence, about 6,000 children die each day
of dehydration due to diarrhoea. Adequate water treatment
methods and safe storage of drinking water, combined with
hygiene promotion, are required to prevent the population
without access to safe drinking water from illness and death.
Solar water disinfection (SODIS) is a new water treatment
to be applied at household level with a great potential to reduce
diarrhoea incidence of users. The method is very simple and
the only resources required for its application are transparent
PET plastic bottles (or glass bottles) and sufficient sunlight:
microbiologically contaminated water is filled into the bottles
and exposed to the full sunlight for 6 hours. During solar exposure, the diarrhoea causing pathogens are killed by the UV-A radiation of the sunlight.
At present, SODIS is used by about 2 Million users in more
than 20 countries of the South. Diarrhoea incidence of users
significantly has been reduced by 30 to 70 %. A careful and
long-term community education process that involves creating
awareness on the importance of treating drinking water and
initiates behaviour change is required to establish the sustainable practice of SODIS at community level.
In Madagascar, more than 160 children younger than 5
years die each day from malaria, diarrhoea and acute respiratory
illnesses. The application of household water treatment methods
such as SODIS significantly could contribute to improve
their health.