Prepare your manuscript, including figure legends and tables, in Word format. The manuscript should be formatted as follows: A4 (212 x 297 mm), with margins of at least 1 cm (1 inch); use single-spacing, alignment justified and 12-point type throughout. For optimum legibility, we recommend that you use Times New Roman only and the Symbol font for special characters in your document.

Manuscript Requirements

Original Research Articles should include the sections listed below.
1. Title Page
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Methods
5. Results
6. Discussion (with labeled Conclusion and Recommendation)
7. Acknowledgments, statement of authors’ contributions to the manuscript and possible source of funding for the research.
8. References

1. Title Page

The title page must include:
a. Title of the article: titles should clearly and concisely describe the contents of the paper. A running title of 21 or fewer words and spaces
b. The names of all authors (first name, middle initial, last name) and an indication of the corresponding author with an asterisk is encouraged
c. Author Affiliations (departmental and institutional) at the time the research was done.
d. All authors’ e-mail address after affiliations and an indication of the corresponding author with an asterisk is acceptable.

2. Abstract
A properly constructed and informative abstract is helpful for the initial editorial review of the submitted manuscript. Original research articles must include a structured abstract that contains no more than 300 words, is written in complete sentences, and includes the following:

Background: Provide 1 or 2 sentence(s) that explain(s) the context of the study.

Objective: State the precise objective, the specific hypothesis to be tested, or both.

Methods: Describe the study design, including the use of cells, animal models, or human subjects. Identify the control group. Identify specific methods, procedures, and if appropriate, statistical analysis used. Describe interventions, if used.

Results: Report the most important findings, including the results of statistical analyses.

Conclusions: Summarize in 1 or 2 sentences the primary outcomes of the study, including their potential clinical importance, if relevant (avoid generalizations). Include the participants, animals, or cells studied.

(If applicable) Clinical Trial Registry number and website where it was obtained (please provide a direct link to the trial page, preferably the English-language version).

(If applicable) Registry and registry number for systematic reviews or meta-analyses.

(Advances only) add a 1-2 sentence Statement of Significance indicating explicitly what is truly new in the present work compared to work already published in the field

Review articles, special articles, and reports should include an abstract (no more than 300 words) that states the purpose of the article and emphasizes the major concepts and conclusions.

Any abbreviations used in the abstract should be defined in the abstract at first mention.

Below the abstract, provide at least 4 or at most 6 keywords or short phrases, including the subject group that will help increase your manuscript's discoverability; do not use adjectives. Terms that are fundamental to your manuscript but not included in your manuscript title or abstract are especially important to include to increase discoverability by indexing services such as PubMed.

3. Introduction: Describe clearly the background of the research conducted and the specific objectives. This should not be a comprehensive review of the literature, however. State the specific objective or hypothesis of the study. Do not include methods, data, results, or conclusions from the work being reported.

4. Methods: Documentation of methods and materials used should be sufficient to permit replication of the research. Describe clearly the experimental design including the control and experimental groups and provide eligibility and exclusion criteria and details of randomization. Define all group designations parenthetically at first mention [for example, “control (CON) and high-fat (HF) groups”] and include definitions for these abbreviations in the abbreviation footnote on the title page. Describe the methods for, and success of, any masking (blinding) of observations. Report any complications of experimental treatments.

5. Results: All tables of results must be numbered and titled above the table. Only results that capture the purpose of the study are expected to be presented with a brief but complete and self-explanatory caption. The content of the table must not be presented as a figure again.

6. Discussion: This must be written with reference to tables and figures of results from the study and by considering information from the literature. The statement made in the introduction and results sections should not be repeated here.

7. Conclusion: The conclusion should be based on the relevant result and association that exists between the variables of the study.

8. Recommendation: This should be based on the gap to be bridged by the next research or conclusion from the study.

9. Acknowledgments, statement of authors’ contributions to the manuscript and possible source of funding for the research (if applicable).

10. References (APA 7th version referencing style is acceptable) for this publication.

11. Processing charges: A processing fee of Fifteen Thousand Naira only (N15,000) is expected to be paid after your manuscript has been accepted for publication.

12. Transfer of copyright: The manuscript submitted for review must not be under consideration for publication or have been published before and all copyright (including preprint, re-print, use of text, figures in part or whole) is exclusively transferred to MAPJOWITED if accepted for publication.


Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 1119-4227