This paper examined the utilization of audiovisual resources by Community Health Workers in Lagos, Nigeria. Data generated and analyzed indicated that audiovisual resources available to the Community Health Workers in different centers are limited in number and that the available ones are utilized in all health programmes. Also, the most used media were songs, lectures, pictures and posters, which were considered to be very effective. The Community Health Workers identified cost of audiovisual materials and constant power failure as major deterrent to media use. The paper recommends adequate provision of audiovisual materials through an increase in budget allocation, removal of import duties on audiovisual hardwares and softwares and donations from philanthropic and non-governmental organizations. Also, regular workshops and conferences for the development and retraining of Community Health Workers on the use of audiovisual media as well as evaluation of used media should be organized by government health agencies.
Keywords: audiovisual, community health, Lagos, Nigeria
Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science Vol. 1(1) 2003: 53-58