This paper enumerates the legal basis for accreditation of academic programmes in Nigerian Universities and the National Universities Commission\'s definition of accreditation. The areas assessed during accreditation include, philosophy and objective of the programme, curriculum, quantity and quality of teaching staff, students admission, standard of examination, physical facilities, financial support, the library and so on. The advantages of the accreditation and the types of accreditation awarded each academic programme after the exercise are explained. The importance of books, journals and other resource materials in the library during an accreditation exercise are also enumerated. These include, emphasis on the library holdings, quantity and quality of materials and their currency. Other areas of the library that deserve the proper attention of the accreditation team are also highlighted.
Keywords: academic, accreditation, library, Nigeria, programmes, universities
Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science Vol. 1(1) 2003: 24-27